
Ravelry Helpers BD Swap

1. What is your name? What is your quest? What is your favorite color?
B) Not sure about it (I can say so many things or it could be too much trascendental)
C)Red (I love blue too)
2. When is your birthdate (year optional)?
July 7,1968.
3. Do you have any special birthday traditions?
4. What is your favorite birthday memory?
I was 8, I was in Mexico. I had a piñata and my granny made a Mikey Mouse cake.
5. Any allergies we should know about?
6. What crafts do you do - knit, crochet, spin, dye, bead, quilt, etc. etc. ?
I knit, crochet, spin and bead. I will like to dye my handspun...but, not yet.
7. Any sorts of fibers you particularly love or hate or are dying to work with?
I love all natural fibers.
8. What weight of yarn do you prefer?
All :)
9. What are your favorite knitting accessories? (i.e.: stitch markers, row counters…)
The cute ones :)
10. Do you subscribe to any crafty magazines?
11. What do collect aside from fiber-related things?
Beads, books, notebooks, pens... all
12. Favorite candy, chocolate (dark, white, or milk), tea, coffee, other treats?
Chocolate mmmmm
13. Do you enjoy handmade soap and body products?
14. Are there any scents you love or hate?
I don't like very strong scents.
15. What is your favorite: flavor, flower, letter, number, film, artist?
A)Chocolate, strawberry.
B)Wild flowers.
D)Number 7.
E)Film "El lado oscuro del corazón".
F)A painter: Hundertwasser, an actor: Alan Rickman, a writer: Paul Auster ...
16. Anything we should *not* get for you?
Yellow yarn ;)
17. Do you have a blog and or wishlist that are not linked on Ravery or listed in the GoogleDoc?
I have three blogs and a podcast, all linked in this blog.
18. Anything special you would like your partner to know?
I'm easy to please, DW.

1 comentario:

andrea dijo...

Así me vengo a enterar que tenemos la misma edad, ya se me hacía que eras muy joven.